Say Goodbye To Halitosis: Dental Treatment Can Send It Way

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Bad breath can affect you in a lot of different ways. When you have bad breath, it can be bad enough that the people you talk to can be appalled by it. This includes the people in your everyday life, and anyone that you come into contact with for business reasons or for anything else. In some cases, bad breath can be mild and temporary. But, in other cases it can be severe and permanent.…

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4 Tips For Ensuring A More Positive Experience At The Dentist's Office

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Visiting your dentist for major procedures probably doesn’t top of your list of favorite activities — especially if you’re doing it wrong. There are smarter and less-smart approaches to scheduling and paying for dental work, and a little forethought can go a long way toward improving your experience at the dental office. Here are four tips to try the next time you need to have your mouth refurbished. 1. Ask as Many Questions as Possible…

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What To Expect From Dental Implants

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If you are considering a dental implant to replace a lost tooth, you may be unfamiliar with the process and the device that will be used. Here is a bit of information about dental implants to help you understand what to expect. A Dental Implant Won’t Replace An Entire Tooth A dental implant does not replace an entire missing tooth. The implant is only used to replace the dental roots.…

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What To Know About Dental Sedation

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For some people, a simple visit to the dentist is a major source of anxiety. For those who have a phobia of going to the dentist or who experience a lot of anxiety during their appointments, dental care can be a challenge. However, regular visits to the dentist for cleanings and checkups are key to having healthy teeth and gums. Failure to go to the dentist can mean painful dental problems.…

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Allergic To Metal? Ceramic Fillings May Protect Your Oral Health

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Your dentist noticed some cavities – your first ever – and needs to fill you with some high-quality fillings to protect your oral health. Unfortunately, you are allergic to metal and don’t know if you can even get fillings. Thankfully, ceramic or metal-free filling options are available for those in your situation. Metal Allergies May Affect Your Oral Care People with metal allergies often have many difficulties with their oral care that starts all the way at the inspection.…

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Three Reasons Why Some People Lose Their Straightened Teeth After Childhood Braces

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Having braces in your youth isn’t always a positive memory for people. Unfortunately, while braces in your childhood can do a lot to improve your smile, you may not end up carrying all of those benefits into the future. If you regularly do one or more of these bad habits, you could end up looking at crooked teeth again in the mirror. Grinding Teeth Grinding your teeth is a serious problem for people whether or not they have braces.…

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Are You A Snorer? Your Teeth Could Be To Blame

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Snoring is a common problem that many people experience, even if they themselves don’t know that they’re doing it. If you know that you snore or if a loved one has told you that you do, you should know that there’s a possibility that the way that your teeth are aligned has a role to play in it. Here’s how your teeth factor into snoring and a path to fixing the problem.…

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An Overview Of The Dental Implant Process

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A dental implant is one of the most effective ways of replacing a missing or damaged tooth. Here is an overview of the dental implant surgery process. Preparation The dentist has to confirm that you are an implant candidate during the initial consultation. This involves evaluating different things, such as your medical history and giving you a comprehensive oral examination. It is also during the preparation stage that the dentist will outline your treatment plan and advise you on what to do to make the treatment a success.…

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Should You Take Your Child To A Pediatric Dentist?

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There is a difference between a traditional dentist and a pediatric dentist. The largest difference is the type of clients the dentist treats. While a family or regular dentist will usually see all types of patients, a pediatric dentist typically only sees very young patients or those who have special needs. If you are wondering what type of dentist your child should see, know that your little one is able to go to either one and will receive great care.…

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Things Your Dentist Will Know By Looking At Your Teeth

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A lot of people try to hide their poor oral care habits or daily habits from their dentists, but this is not easy to do. Dentists can tell a lot of things just by looking at a person’s mouth, and it can be very hard to fool a dentist with certain things. In fact, here are several things your dentist will know just by looking at your teeth. You do not floss…

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