An Overview Of The Dental Implant Process

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A dental implant is one of the most effective ways of replacing a missing or damaged tooth. Here is an overview of the dental implant surgery process.


The dentist has to confirm that you are an implant candidate during the initial consultation. This involves evaluating different things, such as your medical history and giving you a comprehensive oral examination. It is also during the preparation stage that the dentist will outline your treatment plan and advise you on what to do to make the treatment a success. Use the opportunity to ask questions and learn about the treatment process.


If you want to replace a damaged tooth, you have to extract it first before you can proceed with the rest of the process. Maybe the tooth crown is missing, say due to dental caries or trauma, but a part of the tooth is still inside your gums. The dentist has to extract the remaining part first.

Jawbone Preparation

The next thing is for the dentist to prepare the location of the implant. The dentist must ensure the jawbone has adequate thickness and density. You may need a bone graft (the dentist can use either your natural bone or an artificial bone) if the existing jawbone is inadequate.

Implant Placement

Once the graft site has healed or if you have adequate jawbone, the next step is for the dentist to insert the implant, which acts as your new tooth root. The dentist cuts gum tissues on the implant site, drills a hole into the jawbone, and inserts the implant. A temporary restoration, such as a denture, may be used to protect the implant.

Abutment Placement

The abutment is the portion to which the artificial tooth attaches; the abutment is like a bridge or connection between the dental implant and the artificial tooth. In some cases, you get the abutment on the same day as the implant placement. In other cases, the abutment and implant placement are two separate processes with the abutment placement coming after the healing stage.


The next stage is passive; it involves waiting for the surgical site to heal. During this period, your natural bone tissue fuses with the metal implant in a process known as osseointegration. The process is necessary to ensure the implant will be able to bear the natural forces, such as chewing and biting forces, you will expose the implant to later.

You need one healing phase if you get the abutment and implant placement as one procedure. However, you need an additional healing phase if the abutment placement procedure is different from the implant placement procedure.


After osseointegration and healing, the dentist places your artificial tooth over the abutment to complete the treatment process. The artificial tooth can either be a removable or fixed dental crown. Talk to your dentist about the pros and cons of the two options.
