Why Invisible Braces Should Be Given Consideration

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Whether you have crooked teeth from your wisdom teeth coming in or you have had braces in the past and your teeth have moved back to their old locations, you may want to consider getting braces as an adult. Some people have never had their teeth straightened at all and look to invisible braces as adults to give themselves the best smile they can have. Invisible braces should be given consideration if you want to improve your smile and give your teeth a more natural and even appearance.…

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Avoiding Tooth Decay

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To keep your mouth healthy, it’s important to avoid tooth decay. Tooth decay is the dissolution of the tooth material. When the pH in the mouth becomes acidic, the acid dissolves the tooth enamel, causing cavities to form. Here are a few actions that you can take to help minimize your incidence of decay. Limit Sweet and Starchy Foods Sweet and starchy foods include many simple sugars. Simple sugars are primary food sources for many of the harmful bacteria in the mouth.…

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Here's Why Your Dentist Discourages Tongue Piercings

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Tongue piercings are fairly common, and since so many people have them, surely they can’t be all that dangerous? This is a perfectly logical argument, but this doesn’t mean it’s correct. After all, there are over 34.1 million Americans who are smokers. Tongue piercings don’t come without their own risk, and it’s a case of considering these risks before proceeding. Given their location, one of the biggest risks posed by a tongue piercing is the damage it can do to your teeth.…

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Advantages For Adults Who Choose Invisible Orthodontic Applications

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Many adults fail to have their dental misalignment corrected during childhood. Those that do have their crooked teeth treated may still experience a relapse as the teeth shift over time. As a result, many adults consider orthodontic treatment to correct the placement of their teeth. Nevertheless, for an adult, the wires and brackets of conventional braces may not offer the best treatment option. Many orthodontists recommend invisible treatments instead. Here are a few advantages that adults who choose invisible braces enjoy.…

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What Are The Benefits Of Professional Teeth Cleaning?

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Dental cleaning is something that most people tend to overlook. After all, this might seem unnecessary for someone who brushes or flosses daily. However, it takes more than brushing and flossing to keep your dental health in good shape.  Teeth cleaning involves an initial oral examination to identify issues such as bleeding, sensitivity, and inflammation. The next step involves the removal of tartar and plaque buildup using equipment such as scalers.…

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Dentists: Six Types Of Dental Specialists And The Services They Provide

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Not every dentist can provide all the different dental services you require. Thus, sometimes you may visit a dental office, and the dentists tell you they don’t offer the specific type of treatment or service you need. You might have wondered what kind of a dentist they are and doubted their proficiency. However, the fact of the matter is that different dentists specialize in various areas of dentistry. Hence, the dentist could not serve you because they do not specialize in the area of dentistry you might need.…

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2 Tips To Help You Properly Clean Your Dental Implant

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Dental implants are amazing restorations since they look like natural teeth and can last a lifetime with good care. If you are getting a dental implant, you’ll want to go over the after-care instructions with your dentist. Here are two tips to help you improve your oral hygiene around the implant site. Switch to an Electric Rotating-Toothbrush You can certainly use a manual toothbrush for your implant, but you may have better luck with an electric toothbrush that oscillates.…

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What Is Considered A Dental Emergency?

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Nobody wants to go to the dentist because of an emergency situation, especially during the current pandemic where you may want to avoid any emergency visit if possible. However, there are sometimes reasons that are worth visiting a dentist as soon as possible. Here are some reasons that you will want to visit an emergency dental professional to deal with the issue you are having. Broken Tooth Were you eating a meal and suddenly had a tooth break from biting down on something that was too hard?…

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