Here's Why Your Dentist Discourages Tongue Piercings

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Tongue piercings are fairly common, and since so many people have them, surely they can't be all that dangerous? This is a perfectly logical argument, but this doesn't mean it's correct. After all, there are over 34.1 million Americans who are smokers. Tongue piercings don't come without their own risk, and it's a case of considering these risks before proceeding. Given their location, one of the biggest risks posed by a tongue piercing is the damage it can do to your teeth.

Only for Chewing

Your teeth should only be used for chewing food. They should never be used as tools to open packaging and bottles. This habit can apply excessive, unnatural pressure to your teeth, as well as placing your teeth and gums in contact with a material (plastic or glass) that can easily chip or crack them. A tongue piercing introduces a permanent new fixture in your mouth, which has the capacity to damage your teeth and gums. Accidentally biting down onto the piercing is easier than you might think.

Loss of Dental Enamel

Enamel erosion on the rear surfaces of your teeth is a regular problem for anyone with a tongue piercing. It's impossible to prevent the piercing from making contact with your teeth at all. and because the piercing is stronger than your teeth, the density of the piercing means that this friction will progressively rub the dental enamel from your teeth. If you get a tongue piercing, be prepared to visit your dentist a lot more frequently in the years to come.

Involve Your Dentist

And speaking of your dentist, it can be helpful to involve them in your decision-making process when it comes to tongue piercings. They will certainly try to discourage you, making the argument that something purely ornamental isn't worth the potential damage and the subsequent expense of repairing that damage that can be caused to your teeth.

A Reluctant Compromise

If you're insistent about having your tongue pierced, the only compromise your dentist might be willing to make will be to have a resin/plastic piercing. This won't protect your teeth from harm, but it can be less destructive than a metal piercing. Some damage to your teeth is still largely inevitable. Magnetic piercings should be avoided, even though they might seem a better bet since they can be more easily removed. Magnetic piercings can easily detach and are a choking hazard.

In short, there's no way a tongue piercing can exist in harmony with your teeth and gums. While your dentist wouldn't ordinarily judge your fashion choices, tongue piercings are an unfortunate example of when fashion is prioritized over oral health. Reach out to a local dentist, such as Maple Springs Dental, to learn more about how to care for your teeth with a tongue piercing.
