Don't Want To Wait For A Dental Crown? Maybe You Don't Have To

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It’s quite strange how technology has changed expectations. Not so long ago, taking photos involved using an actual camera and taking the film to be developed into physical photographs. Photos used to take days to be processed, then hours, and then a one hour turnaround time became the norm by the 1970s. Nowadays, you probably don’t print your photos, and they’re available immediately, digitally on your phone screen. What about cosmetic dentistry?…

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Your Crowns Are Showing! How Dental Crowns Can Become Visible Overtime

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There are certain parts of your look you probably don’t want to accidentally show when you’re out and about. You wouldn’t want your underwear to be hanging out, nor would you want your damp armpits to show through your shirt. But what about your teeth? Although dental crowns are intended to blend seamlessly into the natural tooth they’re covering, this effect is not always permanent, especially when the crown is metal fused to porcelain.…

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How Dental Implants Can Improve Your Life

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Dental implants have completely revolutionized the way dentists replace missing teeth. Where partial or full sets of dentures used to be the primary options for replacing missed teeth, now, patients can enjoy having realistic teeth that stay in their mouths at all times. Implants start as small metal rods that are embedded into the jaw. Once they are securely in place and the jaw has grown partially around then, dentists install crowns over the rods.…

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