Your Crowns Are Showing! How Dental Crowns Can Become Visible Overtime

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There are certain parts of your look you probably don't want to accidentally show when you're out and about. You wouldn't want your underwear to be hanging out, nor would you want your damp armpits to show through your shirt. But what about your teeth? Although dental crowns are intended to blend seamlessly into the natural tooth they're covering, this effect is not always permanent, especially when the crown is metal fused to porcelain. But why would these types of crowns become visible? And what can you do about it?

Metal Fused to Porcelain

Dentists choose the best type of crown for the specific restoration that's required. Depending on the nature of the deterioration, your tooth might require additional structural support. In these cases, a crown composed of metal fused to porcelain might be preferred. Although a considerable portion of the crown's underlying section is metal, it will be concealed beneath a thin layer of porcelain, color-matched to your surrounding teeth.

Seams Starting to Show

Metal fused to porcelain crowns are extremely robust and will continue to serve their intended purpose for many years to come. The downside is that their look can change, even though their functionality might be unaffected. Standard wear and tear can reduce the thickness of the porcelain coating, meaning that the metal components of the crown begin to show through. Although your dental crowns might have once been seamless, those seams are starting to show.

Dental Crown Restoration

Your dentist can once again hide those seams. The crown can have an additional coating applied to it, which again, will be color-matched to your surrounding teeth. A thin layer of composite resin can be added to the crown, which is shaped, smoothed, and dried. If you want to avoid having to undergo this type of restoration in the future, you might want to ask your dentist if you're a suitable candidate for an all-porcelain dental crown. Since this doesn't have any underlying metal components, standard wear and tear will not be so obvious. 

Possible Periodontal Problems

The gradual appearance of the metal components of your dental crown warrants a visit to your dentist, even if you're not particularly worried about the aesthetics of the issue. In some cases, the exposure of the metal part of the crown can be because your gums are receding. Since this can be a sign of periodontal disease, you should investigate the problem by scheduling a dental appointment. 

In most cases, the gradual appearance of the metal component of your dental crown isn't a cause for alarm, and your dentist can easily return your crown to its former glory. Contact local dental clinics to learn more about getting and maintaining dental crowns. 
