Why Should You Take Your Kid To The Dentist?

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Cavities are a common dental problem that happen when tooth enamel is damaged. You can do many things at home to help your kids prevent cavities, such as brushing and flossing regularly, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding sugary foods. However, if your child already has a cavity, it's time to visit a children's dentistry office for help.

Why should you visit a children's dentist for a cavity?

It's important to understand that cavities cause permanent damage to your child's teeth. Once tooth enamel is damaged, it cannot be repaired. This is why it's so important to visit a dentist for kids at the first sign of a cavity. If you wait too long, the damage will only get worse and your child may need more extensive treatment, such as a root canal.

What can a dentist do for a cavity?

A children's dentistry provider can help treat a cavity in several ways. First, they will clean the area around the cavity to remove any plaque or tartar buildup. Next, they will fill the cavity with a tooth-colored resin. This will restore the strength and appearance of the tooth. Finally, the dentist may recommend a fluoride treatment to help prevent future cavities.

What happens if you ignore a child's cavity?

Ignoring your kid's cavity can result in costly dental or medical bills, even if they don't need a root canal. Cavities can even cause serious health problems, such as infections, abscesses, and pain. In fact, an untreated cavity can send bacteria to the brain through the bloodstream, resulting in a potentially fatal condition called meningitis.

Also, tooth decay can spread from one tooth to another, so it's important to treat cavities as soon as possible. Otherwise, your child may end up with multiple cavities instead of just a single one.

What should you do if you can't get a dental appointment right away with a children's dentist?

Ask your kid's dentistry provider if they have a cancellation list. That way, you can have the appointment moved to an earlier date if another patient cancels. In the meantime, there are some things you can do at home to help your child relieve pain and prevent the cavity from getting worse.

You can take over-the-counter painkillers to help with any discomfort if your child's dentist or pediatrician okays it. Make sure your child avoids sugary foods and drinks, as they can cause further damage to tooth enamel. Your child may also get relief from a heating pad or ice pack if the cavity is causing discomfort.

While it's best to visit a children's dentistry office for treatment, there are some things you can do at home to help your child relieve pain and prevent the cavity from getting worse. Just be sure to schedule an appointment as soon as possible so that your child can get the proper treatment.  
