Uncommon Signs Of Post-Implant Complications

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If you have certain preexisting medical conditions or take certain medications, you may be at risk for developing an infection or other complications after your dental implants procedure. While post-implant complications are rare, you will need to monitor your oral cavity for signs and symptoms if you are at high risk. Here are some unusual signs to look out for after your implant surgery that may warrant a visit to your dentist:

Bad Taste When Biting Down

Diabetes and other endocrine disorders may predispose you to oral fungal infections such as candidiasis infections. While the most common symptoms of a candidiasis infection include white patches inside your mouth that bleed easily, other, less common symptoms may develop.

For example, if you notice a bad taste in your mouth when biting down, the socket in which your dental rod has been implanted in may be leaking purulent drainage. This means that the bad taste you notice when biting down is caused by pus seeping out of the soft tissue surrounding your implant rod.

This needs to be treated by your dentist as soon as possible with antibiotics because if purulent oral infections are left untreated, underlying bone damage may occur. In severe or resistant infections, your dental implants may need to be temporarily removed until your infection has completely cleared and bone damage has been reversed.

Tongue Numbness

Another uncommon sign of a post-implant complication is tongue numbness. This typically only happens when the dental implants are located in your lower jaw, and not the upper. If your lingual nerve has been inflamed as a result of an infection, numbness and tingling sensations may be noticed.

Lingual nerve involvement is not usually the result of the dental implant itself but in response to systemic inflammation from dental procedures that can affect those with autoimmune disorders or diabetes.

If you develop numbness or tingling sensations of your tongue or if you start drooling excessively, see your oral surgeon right away. He or she will perform a comprehensive examination, and refer you to a neurologist for further evaluation and treatment, if necessary.

If you have dental implants and notice a bad taste in your mouth when biting down or if your tongue feels numb, make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. When post-procedure abnormalities are noticed and treated right away, you will be less likely to experience complications such as destruction of the bones that support your rods, systemic inflammation, permanent damage to the lingual nerve inside your mouth, and a body-wide inflammatory response. 

For more information, reach out to dental clinics like Centre Family Dentistry.
