Partner Use Smokeless Tobacco? What It Will Do To Their Teeth

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If your partner uses smokeless tobacco, which is also known as snuff, it is a nicotine addiction just like cigarettes. The tobacco has a lot of chemicals in it that will cause cancer, which is the same as cigarettes. Because the snuff rests up against their gum and teeth it can cause tooth damage also.  Below is what this damage is so your partner will quit using this tobacco:

Teeth and Tongue Stains

If your partner has been using smokeless tobacco for some time it will stain their teeth to a dark yellow color. There is no sense in whitening their teeth unless they plan to stop. Once their teeth are stained, their tongue is likely covered in a thin layer of stain also. This can give your partner very bad breath that will not go away even after they brush their teeth or use mouthwash. There are tongue scrapers your partner can use to help remove some of the film on their tongue.

Tooth Decay and Gum Problems

Tooth decay is a common problem for people that use smokeless tobacco. This is because the smokeless tobacco has sugar and a variety of agents that eat away at the teeth enamel. Once this happens your partner will get cavities. If the cavities are not taken care of infection will set up in the tooth and a root canal will be needed. If your partner does not go to the dentist they would likely lose the tooth or teeth.  

The tobacco rests up against the gums which can lead to gum infections. This can lead to periodontal disease, which can result in false teeth. Periodontal disease is when bacteria gets in the gums, which leads to swollen gums that will bleed when the teeth are brushed.


The most dangerous thing using smokeless tobacco will cause is oral cancer. After months or years of using, the juices from the tobacco can cause lesions to develop on the gums. These lesions may be cancerous. Make sure your partner looks at their gums often and if they see any white patches they should have them looked at by a dentist. If they get cancer on the gums it can spread through their esophagus, larynx, and pharynx.

Your partner should ask their dentist to do a cancer screening regularly as they can tell if there are signs of cancer. This way they can get treatment quickly, which will give them a much better chance of surviving.

If your partner decides to quit they can use a nicotine patch or ask their doctor for medication to help them. Contact a family dentistry office for more information and assistance. 
