What A Toothache Can Be Caused By And What You Can Do To Relieve The Pain

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If you have been suffering with toothaches, then you want to find out what's causing them to occur. You'll need to get into see your dentist to have an exam. However, if it's going to be a while before you can get in for an appointment, then you want to learn what you can do. This article can explain some of the more common causes of tooth pain, as well as offer you advice on treating the pain in the meantime and provide you with some knowledge on the treatments for some of the more common dental problems.

Cavities: Cavities are one of the more common reasons for toothaches. A cavity is basically a hole that makes its way through the enamel of your tooth (the hard, protective outer shell) and down into the center. Once a cavity gets deep enough, it can cause a toothache due to sensitivity to hot or cold foods or sweet foods.

Nerve exposure: If you have a very bad cavity that has now become a decayed tooth, then you may have an exposed nerve. A nerve that's not protected can hurt for many reasons and sometimes it will just hurt. Anytime anything comes into contact with the nerve, it can cause a very bad pain.

Infected tooth: You can get an infected tooth quite easily since your mouth is full of bacteria. A cavity, chipped tooth or a broken tooth can become infected. The infection can cause a toothache, as well as pain in the surrounding areas of the affected tooth.

A broken tooth: If you chip, break or fracture one of your teeth, it can cause you a great deal of pain. This pain may be caused by the original injury, as well as by the elements now being closer to your nerve.

Home remedies for relieving a toothache

The best way to deal with a toothache is to go in to the dentist for treatment of the actual problem. However, it may not always be possible to get in right away, and this can leave you in a great deal of pain until you can get in. Luckily, there are some ways you can get relief from the pain.

Bite down on a medium sized ice cube until it dissolves. The cold ice will help to numb the area and help relieve the pain temporarily. This may work best if the problem is due to an infection.


If you have a small cavity, then the best course of treatment is generally to have a filling put in. The filling will fill the hole in your tooth and prevent further decaying from occurring.

If a large portion of your tooth has a cavity, or you have a broken or chipped tooth then the dentist will more than likely want to put a crown on it. A crown may be suggested by your dentist since it offers you a natural looking crown that's metal-free and known for being durable.

If your tooth is almost completely gone, then the dentist may recommend replacing it completely with a dental implant.
