4 Ways To Help Alleviate A Toothache Before Visiting Your Dentist

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If you have a toothache but are unable to visit the dentist right away, you will want to know of some ways to alleviate the pain, especially if the pain is causing you discomfort that is preventing you from being able to eat or enjoy yourself around company. Here are four ways that you can do this:

  1. Rinse with Warm Salt Water: The reason you can alleviate pain with warm salt water is because the salt removes fluid from the gum tissues, which can reduce the amount of pressure on the nerves. Just don't swallow the water as you rinse because this can cause you to become irritated. Instead, rinse the water in your mouth for 30 seconds and then spit out. 
  2. Floss: Flossing the affected area can be another great way to reduce the pain from a toothache since any food particles that are lodged in the area can cause some discomfort and pressure. Be sure that you floss gently, though. You don't want to cut the gums and cause more irritating and pain.
  3. Take Aspirin: Taking aspirin can also help reduce pain, especially if the pain is really severe and causing you to have trouble sleeping, or if is even causing a headache. Be aware, however, that placing the aspirin directly on the painful area is ineffective and can even cause the gum tissue to be burned. The aspirin is more effective if you take orally it and it gets into the bloodstream. This is going to allow the aspirin to provide relief directly to the nerves. 
  4. Cold Compress: If you have any swelling from a toothache, you can apply a cold compress on the outside of your cheek. This can help reduce swelling, which in turn can reduce the amount of pressure on the tooth.

By knowing some of the ways to help alleviate the pain that you feel from a toothache, you can be sure that you are able to rest more comfortably until the moment you are able to see your dentist, like those at Dentistry For the Entire Family. If any of these methods aren't providing the relief that you need, then you may consider going to the emergency room or visiting your dentist right there and then, if possible, since this can be a sign that your tooth has more damage than you think. If you have knocked your tooth out completely, then a visit to the emergency room is a must. 
