How To Get A Whiter, Brighter Smile

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If you feel your teeth are not as white as you would like, there are several methods to help remove surface stains, giving you a whiter smile as a result. Here are a few remedies that can help you brighten up your teeth.

Give Fruit A Try

Fruit is considered to be a healthy alternative to sugary processed snacks. The vitamins they give your body to keep you healthy can also be used to whiten your teeth. Try rubbing the inside of a banana peel on your teeth to whiten them. The potassium, manganese and magnesium work together to naturally remove surface stains from enamel. 

The malic acid in strawberries can also bright up a bland-colored smile. Mash a strawberry with a fork and rub the pulp on the fronts of your teeth. Keep it in place for a few minutes while you hold your head back. Doing this a few times a week will brighten your teeth nicely.

Look In Your Cabinets

Most people have baking soda in their kitchen cabinet. Scoop a quarter of a cup of baking soda into a cup and add a few tablespoons of water. Mix it with a spoon until there are no visible lumps. You want to have a mixture that is similar to the consistency of toothpaste. Add a squeeze of lemon juice for flavoring, if desired. 

Place some of this mixture on your toothbrush and brush your teeth with it. Limit your brushing time to one minute. Do not use this method more than once a week, as it works so well at brightening teeth, it tends to also wear away your enamel if done too often. 

Head To The Bathroom

Try using hydrogen peroxide to whiten your teeth. Use it in the same way that you would a regular mouthwash. If you do not enjoy the flavor of hydrogen peroxide in a large amount, splash a teaspoon of it directly on your toothpaste before you brush. 

Enlist Some Help

There are several teeth whitening products on the market that may be of help to your situation. Make sure to limit the exposure time and frequency of teeth whitening toothpastes, gels, or strips as they tend to cause enamel to disappear with overuse. Your dentist, like Dr. Robert Petrtyl, can bleach your teeth right in their office by putting a whitening product on the teeth and heating it using light or laser. This method is done over several appointments to lighten to your desired shade. The results are usually seen after the very first appointment.
