The Five Main Types Of Crowns

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A dental crown is used to protect a decayed tooth, and replaces parts of the tooth that have already worn away, restoring structure and shape. Crowns are permanent dental implants that allow you to continue eating and living your life as you had previously after the procedure is completed. Dental crowns come in five main varieties, each of which is different in the material that it uses, which offer different benefits over each other. Examining the differences between each type of dental crown can help you choose the right crown for your needs.

Resin Crowns

Resin crowns are the least expensive of dental crown that you can have installed, and are completely made up of resin, hence their low cost. However, because they lack any hard materials, resin crowns are not very durable, and will break down over time, and will need to be repaired or reinstalled, offsetting the initial low cost.

Stainless Steel Crowns

Stainless steel crowns are usually used for children on their infant teeth, or on adults as temporary crowns while another crown is constructed. Stainless steel crowns are not very expensive, as they are not specially fitted to your teeth, and only serve to prevent further decay until a proper crown is installed.

Metal Crowns

Metal crowns are the most common type of permanent crown available, and can be made from a wide variety of different materials, including gold. Metal crowns offer the highest durability out of all available types of dental crowns, and will not wear down your surrounding teeth. Additionally, their price will depend on the type of metal you choose, which means you can customize your crown to fit your budget. However, it should be noted that metal crowns are extremely noticeable, and are best suited for out of sight teeth.

Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain crowns are an alternative to metal crowns, and can be matched to the same shade as the rest of your teeth, which means that they are almost impossible to notice, making them ideal for front teeth. However, they are not as durable as metal crowns, and they can also wear down surrounding teeth over time, which can cause additional dental problems.

Porcelain Coated Metal Crowns

Metal crowns coated in metal offer the best of both porcelain and metal crowns, providing increased durability with the concealment of porcelain. However, wear on adjacent teeth is still a problem, and over time, the porcelain can wear away, exposing the metal underneath, which will require repairs to fix.

For more information, contact a dentist, like those at Eden Prairie Dental Care.
